Selecting and Unselecting
Several operations require that you select objects to work on.
To select objects, right click and drag with the mouse.
Or, hold down the shift key and move the mouse over the objects you want to select.
You can add new objects to the selection by right click and drag while holding the shift key.
To Unselect all objects, Double left click on the work space.
Or, right click and drag with the mouse, but don't select anything.
Or, hover the work space and press Tab.
To unselect one object at a time, hold down the Ctrl key and hover the object.
Or, hover the object and press Ctrl.
To delete one object, right click to summon its property panel, choose Delete.
Or, hover it, press Delete.
To delete all selected objects, right click the workspace to summon the Create Panel, choose Del.
Or, hover the workspace, press Delete.
There several aligning commands for objects.
Use these to clean up you circuit for presentation.
Select objects to align.
Hover the workspace and press Numpad 5
Choose the desired command with the mouse.
Or press the equivalent numpad key.
Left click and drag on a selected object to move all selected objects.
Right click and drag on a selected object to move only that object
Duplicating, Clone
To duplicate one object, right click the object to summon its property panel, choose Clone.
Or, hover it, press Insert.
To duplicate all selected objects, right click the work space to summon the Create panel, choose Clone.
Or, hover the workspace, press Insert.
From time to time you may accidentally try to duplicate an object that can not be duplicated.
ABox2 will simply ignore your request. These objects include, CPU object, Opened Group and Wave devices.
Objects may be locked together.
When you move one locked object, they all move.
Select the objects you want to lock.
Choose lock from the Create Panel.
Or, hover the workspace and press Ctrl+L.
You can combine two separately locked groups of objects.
Select one object from each group, and lock them.
Unlock objects by choosing unlock from the create menu.
Or, hover the workspace and press Ctrl+K.